
Walking Description

Date: 7-9-95 Day of week: Thursday
Location: Mieminger Gebirge (foothills)
Category: Circle walking tour
Starting point: Car park "Bergdoktor" near church


Lowest altitude (m): 830 Highest altitude (m): 900 Difference in altitude (m): 70
Characteristic: safe walking tour for families with negligible differences in altitude
Difficulty: very easy
Weather: Sunny, very warm, partially wind
Participants: Franziska (28), Franz (11 months), Karl (26), Annemarie (31)
Johanna (4), Andrea (7), Gerhard (9) und Rupert (39)

Time of departure (hour): 11.50 Time of return (hour): 16.40
Distances Time
Breaks (hours)
Car park "Bergdoktor" - Restaurant "Gerhardhof" 0.45 0.10
"Gerhardhof" - Crossing of road B 189 0.30 0.05
Crossing of road B 189 - Chapel "Nothelfer" 0.45 0.15 (branching-off in the direction of "Fiechter Tal")
Chapel "Nothelfer" - Hotel "Schwarz" 0.40 1.00 (hotel "Schwarz")
Hotel "Schwarz" - Car park "Bergdoktor" 0.40 -
Total time (hours): 3.20 1.25

"KOMPASS" hiking map no. 35, scale: 1:50000

Map with high resolution (70 KB)

The first half of the path to the restaurant "Gerhardhof" is tarred, later it leads through a pine-forest past "Gerhardhof". Along the main road B 189 there was a parallel small road which we preferred to use. After crossing the B 189 the circle tour "sunlit plateau" started with mainly magnificent views onto chains of mountains.

After the chapel "Nothelfer" our path followed directly the B 189, but we crossed it and preferred to walk on mowed meadows instead, as there was no walking path along B 189. Presumably it would habe been better to take the path via the church "St. Georgen".

In the hotel "Schwarz" the contents of our family´s purse were considerably diminished, hard luck, though the service was friendly. The ice-cream was o.k., but the drinks were rather expensive.

Because of the many very sunny sections of this tour, the whole distance was a bit too long for Johanna. North of hotel "Schwarz" there was a lovely public children´s playground, not belong to hotel "Schwarz".